Monday, October 25, 2010

Blythe Iris Taylor

I am the proudest new auntie in the land. My beautiful new niece, Blythe Iris Taylor was born on October 23rd right on time for her due date. Not only is she prompt, but she is the biggest bundle of light and hope in my life. I love being with her and I am so proud of my sister for being so brave throughout this whole process. Blythe is beautiful, calm, and strong. Everytime I am in her presence I have the overwhelming feeling that she is important, not only to me, but to the world. 7 lbs. 2 oz. of delight.

The meaning of Blythe according to the dictionary:
cheerful and carefree

According to me:
she is everything!


meg saxton said...

love this little gem. love you. good to see you are still writing on here. i am trying to make some kind of come back.